Hamtrak II – Back On Track

Want to join other club members on a train trip to Reno?

The subject of trains and the “Hamtrak” trip the club took back in March of 2022 often come up for discussion. There seem to be a number of train aficionados (don’t call them “Foamers”) in our midst as those train discussions attract numerous and protracted stories of memorable trips and other train trivia.

One item mentioned frequently is the train trip from Sacramento to Reno and the trip we took in 2022. The train to Reno travels through some of the most beautiful scenery in the United States if not the world on this route and is very popular. The most common comments about that trip: “That’s on my bucket list” or “I want to do that someday.” The most common comments about our Hamtrak trip in 2022 are “that was a blast” and “let’s do it again.” And, like so many things, it remains on your bucket list forever until the day you decide to just DO IT!

So here is your chance to ride the train to Reno and back with good friends and relive the clubs 2022 trip.

Your Club, as part of it’s undeclared and previously unknown “Let’s do things together” program, has decided to organize just such a trip. We are calling it “Hamtrak II – Back on Track.” Here are the details.

6 March 2025 – Thursday – Sacramento to Reno
7 March 2025 – Friday – Reno to Sacramento

Why those dates?

Many reasons. First, we wanted to do this while there was still snow on the ground and March often accommodates. Second, because it is mid-week (i.e. not a weekend) the hotel rooms in Reno are theoretically cheaper. Third, it may be easier to get seats on the train in mid-week. And fourth it is a week before our Club meeting and a couple of weeks before the Hamfest so there will be minimal event interference. Plus – for those who want to stay in Reno for the weekend, it couples with those dates very nicely.

We will be riding to Reno on the California Zephyr, Amtrak train #6 and back also on the California Zephyr, Amtrak train #5. According to the Amtrak schedules in effect as of the date of this email, Amtrak #6 leaves Roseville at 10:51 am (if it is on time) and arrives Reno at 3:27 pm. If it is more convenient you can catch this same train in Colfax, Sacramento, Davis and other points but at different times.

Amtrak #5 leaves Reno at 9:24 am and arrives Roseville at 2:14 pm. Amtrak #5 originates in Chicago and is sometimes late getting to Reno.

It’s up to you to buy your own tickets – the purchase of tickets is between you and Amtrak as the club does not sell train tickets. Amtrak sells both non-refundable tickets and refundable tickets – you decide which is best for you. You also decide when you want to buy the tickets but these trains sometime sell out to Reno so the earlier you buy your tickets the better. If you use the Amtrak web site be sure to book the train to Reno and not accidentally book the bus. When last checked Amtrak was not assigning specific seats to travelers to Reno but our experience has been that Amtrak puts all Reno bound travelers in the same car – usually the last one in the consist. In 2022 many members spent time at the tables in the Superliner Lounge Car as well as the passenger car.

As for the hotel there are three hotels that are connected together the closest of which is about 2 blocks from the train station. The hotels are: El Dorado, Silver Legacy and Circus Circus. Collectively these are referred to as “The Row.” You decide which hotel you want and make your own reservations. When we did this back in 2022 most people stayed at the Silver Legacy. We all gathered for dinner in a restaurant in the hotel.


We can take our radios on the train. There will be at least one ClearNode on board. As long as the ClearNode can receive cell service we’ll be able to check in to the W6EK repeater and regale those not on the trip of our minute-to-minute, mile by mile progress as they will undoubtedly be anxious to hear us talk incessantly about our trip all day long. On the 2022 trip it was found that the ClearNode worked well for most of the trip but not in tunnels.

At the hotel we will have happy hour and dinner together.

The Club’s role in this trip is that of organizer not benefactor. The responsibility to buy your tickets, make reservations and get yourself to the train station is all yours. The club does NOT sell train tickets or hotel rooms. So it’s a shared responsibility. The Club initiated and coordinates the idea but you implement it. If you want to come along go ahead and buy your tickets and make your reservations.

Gerry, WA6E, will be the point of contact and trainmeister for this excursion. You can direct questions to him.

So you are invited to join us. Not only is this a beautiful trip it will be a lot of fun shared with the other members of the Club and will be talked about for years just like the 2022 trip has been.

All aboard!

hello world
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