Parks On The Air (POTA)

Parks on the Air® (POTA) started in early 2017 when the ARRL’s National Parks on the Air special event ended. A group of volunteers wanted to continue the fun beyond the one-year event, and thus, POTA was born.

The golden rules of POTA are to have fun and keep it simple.

General information about the program is available at, so we highly recommend checking out the information there. You may also want to join the POTA Slack Channel or the POTA Facebook group, where you can easily interact with the POTA community online. POTA also maintains accounts on Twitter and Mastodon if you prefer to interact on those social media platforms.

Got an idea of a cool park we should consider?
Chime In and let us know below!

More information about Parks on the Air can be found @ While you’re there, create an account (It’s free) and get started.

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