The SFARC general club meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the second Friday of each month @ Crossroads Church Campus Gym: 1101 Auburn Ravine Rd, Auburn, CA 95603. Use the Dairy Road entrance. If you can’t make it in person, join us virtually on Zoom.
A pro tip before you join the meeting: if you aren’t talking, go ahead and mute your microphone. And “putting your best foot forward” often means putting on pants and checking your camera often. Ready to go? Click JOIN THE MEETING below. While you shouldn’t be prompted for it, the Zoom meeting information is below with an alternate way to join.If Prompted:
Meeting ID: 962 6167 5605
Passcode: SFARC
You can also call in using only your telephone.
+16699009128,96261675605# *454729# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,96261675605# *454729# US (Houston)
By: Jim Zheng (W6JCZ)
Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club. Vice President
We start off the month of September with a VE testing session on the evening of the 9th. A few weeks ago John (KO6COW) and his son visited me at work to get an older-model 2 meter radio tested and repaired. Among other things he mentioned his son might be ready to test for his Technician license soon, so I’m looking forward to seeing them there and helping them along the way. Testing starts at around 7 PM, but the VEs and Elmers will be gathering for a dinner at 5 PM. If you’re planning on coming by to take an exam, why not come and join us for some great food?
Our club meeting for this month will be on the 13th at 7:30 PM at the Auburn Crossroads Church South Campus Gym and on Zoom. Whether you’re new to radiosport or a top scorer, come join us for an informative presentation from Orion (AI6JB). He’ll be giving us a talk on contesting with a focus on the upcoming California QSO Party in October, covering topics from general contesting to effective operating skills that give you the edge when it comes to scoring.
The club campout at Stampede Reservoir officially starts a week later on the 19th and runs through the 22nd. I’m looking forward to the great pictures and stories that’ll be shared on the website and repeater, and I hope everyone has a fun and safe time throughout.
This month we’ll meet at Wings Grill & Espresso Bar (at the Auburn Airport) for our breakfast on the 28th at 7:30 AM, followed by a radio direction finding exercise. These events are always fun, and they’re essentially a radio hide-and-seek game in which participants arm themselves with receiving equipment to find the hidden transmitter placed in a given area. Our club fox hunts have attracted quite a few members recently, and I always love it when we all gather at the end to talk about what worked and what didn’t this time around.
And finally, here’s something we can all look forward to:
Cooler weather and more opportunities to be comfortable outside. Maybe I’ll catch you activating POTA or just operating portable one of these days.