All nets are held on the W6EK 2M repeater system, AllStarLink Node #51018, Echolink #4128, and the W6EK-2M-ROOM (62545) on Wires-X.
Every Thursday starting at 7:30 PM Pacific Time (PT). Our nets are held on the club repeater. Everyone is invited to check-in. The net features a Mystery Question, the ARRL Report, Satellite Report, DX Report, and other activities. Operators are encouraged to talk about their recent operating or other ham activities. Want to be added to the roll call, send us your info:
Every morning from 7:30-10 AM PT. What a great way to get your day underway! You never know what we might be talking about. Almost any subject is on the table: technology, trivia, RVs, camping, fishing, brewing, astronomy, photography, kit builds, Instant pots, and much more! Grab a cup of coffee and stop by some morning. Everyone is welcome!
Starts at 7:30 PM PT and is held every First and Third Wednesday, monthly. This net discusses various aspects of “how to” and provides assistance and advice to all Hams. Everyone is invited to check-in. Have a question, need an answer? then try the Elmer Net. We have many regulars that can answer your questions and provide operating assistance for Antennas, Equipment, Regulation, and any other aspect of our fine hobby. New or seasoned operators, there is something for everyone on the Elmer Net. Have a question or need some help? Please check-in.
Every Monday at 6:00 PM PT, this net is the place for discussions related to the setup, configuration, and operation of digital nodes and the associated hardware.
A great place for noobies and experienced users alike.
Every first and third Friday at 7:30 PM PT, Dawn (KG6FZZ) and Simon (K6DXN) host Friday Night Trivia Night. Dawn and Simon recently moved to Northern California and Simon joined SFARC in January. They previously hosted trivia night on a Southern California repeater system for 15 years.

The Placer County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. The Placer County ARES net is on the 3rd Sunday of the month, starting at 1930 (7:30 PM) PT on the W6EK 2M Repeater.
Everyone is invited to check-in. You do not need to be an SFARC member to participate.