We’ll keep this short and sweet. LAST CHANCE TO RSVP FOR FIELD DAY!
Even if you’ve told someone you plan to come up OR maybe you’re just coming up for the day? We need to hear from you so we can have supplies to accommodate everyone. Please RSVP now @ https://www.w6ek.org/fieldday/rsvp The ability to RSVP closes at 10PM, THIS Saturday (June 15th).
Even if you’ve told someone you plan to come up OR maybe you’re just coming up for the day? We need to hear from you so we can have supplies to accommodate everyone. Please RSVP now @ https://www.w6ek.org/fieldday/rsvp The ability to RSVP closes at 10PM, THIS Saturday (June 15th).
And a reminder for tonight’s meeting, we’ll be located in the lobby of the main Crossroads Church, not the gym.
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The Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club (W6EK)
(530) 492-0920
Website: www.w6ek.org
Group.io: groupsio.w6ek.org