HAMFEST IS COMING!! WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT HAMFEST If you’re new to SFARC, or a new ham, this might be your first ham swap. Or maybe you’re an “old timer”; the SFARC Loomis Hamfest is coming up on March 22nd. Planning is underway and we’re looking for volunteers. EVEN IF you think we already know you’re volunteering, please take a quick minute and visit www.w6ek.org/activities/hamfest/volunteering to get on the list. In addition, we need EVERYONES help getting the word out. If you attend local nets, or even a Northern CA HF swap net, consider making a QST. We’ve crafted a short and simple QST @ www.w6ek.org/activities/hamfest/qstscript … And last, but certainly not least, we have another PLANNING MEETING THIS THURSDAY @ 6PM in the club’s Zoom room. This is the biggest club fundraiser of the year so don’t be shy, come join us and help anyway you can.
RIVER CITY ARCS SPECIAL PRESENTATION – THIS TUESDAY, 01/04/2025 ARRL Pacific Division Director Tony Marcin, W7XM, will speak on ARRL Policy Matters & Direction in Amateur Radio at the Tuesday, February 7, 7:00 pm PT in-person meeting of the River City ARCS. This will include an update on the January ARRL Board of Directors meeting. Members and visitors are welcome. Zoom log on is also available upon request to contact@n6na.org mailto:contact@n6na.org.
VE TESTING TONIGHT IN AUBURN | 7PM A last minute reminder for anyone wanting to get their first license or upgrade. The SFARC VE team will be hosting a session tonight @ 7PM in Auburn at the Confluence Church. If you’d like more information, or to sign up, head to www.w6ek.org/activities/testing NOW. 🙂
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73, The Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club (W6EK) (530) 492-0920
Website: www.w6ek.org www.w6ek.org Group.io: groupsio.w6ek.org
Social: facebook.w6ek.org facebook.w6ek.org twitter.w6ek.org twitter.w6ek.org linkedIn.w6ek.org linkedIn.w6ek.org instagram.w6ek.org instagram.w6ek.org youtube.w6ek.org youtube.w6ek.org