Depot Time is where you get to learn new things. Currently, we are working hard in our shack to bring you informative and exciting topics. Stay tuned and check back often.
Are you a new ham? Or just wondering what all this stuff is and how to use it? Then an Elmer Tour is for you! Elmer tours are FREE and conducted by experienced members of the Sierra Foothills ARC. They will walk you through the swap meet showing you all the neat ham gear available. More importantly, they will explain why you would want it and how you might use it. They are there to answer all your questions! Inquire at the Test Table …
Need to test equipment you are thinking about buying? Bring it over to the Sierra Foothills ARC Test Table. There will be power supplies, antennas, antenna analyzers, and other test equipment to check out your potential purchase. The table will be staffed by experienced SFARC Elmers. You don’t have to go home wondering if you bought a boat anchor.
Loomis Hamfest 2025 is, once again, an ARRL sanctioned hamfest. Drop by the ARRL Booth and visit with your Section Manager and other local ARRL staff. While you are there, pick up the new color US Amateur Radio Bands chart. Learn how ARRL membership can enhance your Ham experience. Let ARRL help you!