All posts by Greydon (KC6SLE)

January Fox Hunt

Thanks to Frank KG9M for stepping up to be the W6EK Fox Tender for this month.  I love the enthusiasm Frank is bringing to our Fox Hunts.

It was a busy weekend with Winter Field Day, monthly breakfast and the monthly Fox Hunt.  Although the total turnout for January’s Fox Hunt was down a little, it was never-the-less an enthusiastic group, and they had a great time hunting down the Fox.

The Fox was hidden on Ophir Road at the Lincoln Highway Historical marker. The weather was perfect, and everyone successfully found the Fox before 11:30 AM.

Again, great job Frank.  And… who would like to be the W6EK Fox Tender for February?  It’s great fun.

Greydon KC6SLE


SFARC runs monthly Fox Hunts where members hone skills in locating hidden transmitters. Fox Hunting skills are not only fun but may be useful in situations where a transmitter needs to be located (e.g. search & rescue or tracking down interference).

Fox Hunts are a fun outdoor activity. Regional hunts may involve driving around and taking bearings with a Yagi to triangulate on a hidden transmitter. Low-power hunts may involve walking through parks  & neighborhoods to find one or more hidden transmitters. Fox hunt equipment ranges from simple TOA (time of arrival) devices, yagi antennas, and or doppler techniques.

SFARC August 2024 Fox Hunt / First Place Winners, Raymond and Evan Prout!

SFARC has equipment for anyone to borrow > CLICK HERE

An amateur radio license is not required to participate in a Fox Hunt.

For more information, contact Fox Hunt coordinators Greydon (KC6SLE) or Doug (W2VX) using the form below.
Guidelines and Fox Hunt Files can be found below.