All posts by Greydon (KC6SLE)

Fox Hunt July 2024

The next SFARC Fox Hunt will be Saturday July 27.

The Fox Hunt pre-meeting will start at 9:30 AM, the actual Fox Hunt will begin at 9:45 AM and end at 11:45 AM.  The pre-meeting will be hosted by Chris N6CTC at Orangevale Community Center at the corner of Fibert Ave and Oak Ave, in Orangevale.  There is parking in the adjacent park off Filbert Ave. Please plan on attending the pre-meeting and signing in.

The Fox Tender for this Fox Hunt is Emiliano KO6AJO.  The RF Comms will be on 146.430 mHz simplex.  The transmitter frequency will be 146.535 mHz simplex. Output power will be 2 watts.

There will be a post Hunt debrief.  Location of the debrief will be given on the Fox finders sign-in sheet near the Fox.



SFARC runs monthly Fox Hunts where members hone skills locating hidden transmitters. Fox Hunting skills are not only fun but may be useful in situations where a transmitter needs to be located (e.g. search & rescue or tracking down interference).

Fox Hunts are a fun outdoor activity. Regional hunts may involve driving around and taking bearings with a Yagi to triangulate on a hidden transmitter. Low-power hunts may involve walking through parks  & neighborhoods to find one or more hidden transmitters. Fox hunt equipment ranges from simple TOA (time of arrival) devices, yagi antennas, and or doppler techniques.

SFARC has equipment for anyone to borrow > CLICK HERE

An amateur radio license is not required to participate in a Fox Hunt.

For more information, contact Fox Hunt coordinators Greydon (KC6SLE) or Doug (W2VX) using the form below.