70CM (440) Repeater Features & Functions

The W6EK 70cm (440) repeater is a Yaesu DR2X repeater installed in 2019. Coordinated at 440.575MHz, + 5 offset, CTCSS 162.2, operating in C4FM and FM modes at 40 watts with coverage of the greater Auburn and Eastern Sacramento, California region. The repeater audio is streamed on Broadcastify.

When operated in C4FM digital mode the local RF coverage is complimented with Wires-X connection to the NorCal Repeater Group #43847 and bridged to YSF node US-NorCalRptGrp #YSF06040 hosted on a remote server.

The repeater is operated in both analog and digital modes (AMS). Analog FM users will hear a digital hash sound during the C4FM digital transmissions unless the analog FM Squelch is set to Tone Squelch mode CTCSS 162.2.

Wires-X Inbound
You may connect to the 70cm repeater via a Wires-X enabled repeater, or personal node via room: NorCal Repeater Group (43847).

Wires-X  Outbound
You may connect from the 70cm repeater via Wires-X to any Wires-X-enabled repeater, or node. The 70cm repeater is operated in C4FM and FM modes. In FM mode, DTMF commands control the Wires-X connections. In C4FM digital mode, the Wires-X button on a Yaesu branded Fusion radio directs the room selection. If there is no activity on the user selected node or room, the Wires-X connection will be returned to the default NorCal Repeater Group room. It is best practice to return the repeater back to the default NorCal Repeater Group (43847) room after your redirect is completed.

Digital C4FM Mode Wires-X Outbound
From a Yaesu Fusion 70cm radio – Listen for traffic, if clear, announce your call sign and that you are initiating a connection to Wire-X room or node “xxxxx”.
Use the Wires-X key to Connect / Disconnect.
The Wires-X connection will terminate and return to the default NorCal Repeater Group room if no activity.

70cm Repeater YSF
Connect to the 70cm repeater and the NorCal Repeater Group via any YSF or FCS-enabled repeater, node, or smartphone app.The W6EK 70cm repeater’s YSF node is US-NorCalRptGrp (YSF06040).

Listen to the repeater traffic through the Broadcastify.com website service or using a smart device with a scanner app. The repeater channel is: W6EK 440.5750 MHz Sierra Foothills ARC Repeater – https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/31914

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