1.25M (220) Repeater Features & Functions

The 1.25m (220) repeater is a new Bridgecom BCR220 repeater installed in 2022. Coordinated at 223.860MHz, -1.6offset, CTCSS 110.9, operating in FM mode at 20 watts with coverage of the greater Auburn and Eastern Sacramento, California region. An Arcom RC210 controller integrates the BCR220 with Allstarlink node # 56039 and Broadcastify running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and UrixB interface.

The parrot feature (record/playback) allows the RF repeater user to use DTMF tones to record a test transmission then hear a playback. To use the parrot mode: Listen for traffic, if clear, announce your call sign and that you are initiating an audio test. Enter 825 then release the PTT. The repeater will announce “Ready”. When the carrier drops, provide a short transmission. The repeater will then play back the recorded transmission.

Local Parrot: 825

Time and Date
12h mode: *81
24h mode: *82

Connect to the 1.25m repeater via AllStarLink from any ASL enabled repeater, node, computer or smartphone app. The W6EK 1.25 meter repeater node number is 56039.

Listen for traffic, if clear, announce your call sign and that you are initiating a connection to AllStarLink or Echolink node “xxxxx”.

Connect or disconnect the 1.25 meter repeater to another AllStarLink enabled repeater or node, and enter the commands via DTMF keys on your radio.

ASL Connect: *3 then the node number. (I.E. *3nnnnn)
ASL Disconnect: *1 then the node number (I.E. *1nnnnn)

Listen to repeater traffic through the Broadcastify.com website service or using a smart device with a scanner app. The repeater channel is:  W6EK 223.860 MHz Sierra Foothills ARC Repeater. https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/36821

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