All posts by Brian (AI6US)

Next VE Exam Date – September 9, 2024

Looking for a local location to take your amateur radio license or upgrade exam? Sierra Foothills VE Team provides in-person exam sessions on the 1st Monday evening of the month.

Scholarships are available for new hams, who are under 21 years old and enrolled in an education program. The scholarship reimburses the cost of your exam and provides a study guide for the next license level.

NEXT IN-PERSON DATE: 09/09/2024 @ 7 PM

Need more information before signing up? CLICK HERE

VE Exams (Page)

Logo for W5YI VE TeamThe Sierra Foothills Volunteer Exam Team offers in-person monthly testing Amateur Radio exam sessions at the Auburn California Confluence Church (previously named Crossroads Church) campus and also during the annual summer ARRL Field Day.

View the exam calendar and pre-register now:


Bring these items to the exam:

Clip Art of Antenna TowerExams are administered on tablets provided by the SFARC VE Team, which includes a calculator app. Exam results are immediately uploaded and typically updated in the FCC database within one or two business days!

Upon successful completion of an exam you may continue to test for the next license level. Please only continue if you have studied and are prepared to pass. There are no additional fees to upgrade to the next level in the same session. Let the team  know during check-in if you plan to take exams for multiple elements.

Student Scholarship

Clip Art of Graduation CapThe Daniel Fogard W6PRL Scholarship is available for students currently enrolled in Elementary, Middle, High School, and Undergraduate College programs and are 21 years of age or younger as of the date of the exam. Upon passing an exam, the student will be awarded the current cost of the exam and a study guide for the next level.

If you have any questions, need to reschedule or an accommodation, please contact the SFARC VE Team Coordinator using the form below.