Congratulations to Evan AJ6OR for winning the December 2024 Fox Hunt. As most of us know, Evan is quite the accomplished Fox Hunter.
And thank you to Thomas KN6MJB for being the W6EK December Fox Tender. The Fox was hidden this time in the historic Griffith Quarry Park in Penryn. Timing was good as the rain showers cleared shortly after the hunt started and a great time was had by all.
Speaking of Fox Tenders, we are looking for a Fox Tender for the W6EK Fox Hunt on January 25. Being the Fox Tender is not difficult, we provide the Fox transmitter, and it can be a lot of fun designing a challenging but obtainable hunt. More detailed information on the role of the Fox Tender is within this site. Drop me a message if you are interested.
Greydon KC6SLE